With peer feedback, students give each other feedback on their written work, solutions to tasks, academic achievements, etc., using criteria which have been agreed in advance. Feedback may be given using checklists or in a more detailed form. Various scenarios are conceivable in this context, e.g. using 1:1 or 1:n reviews, anonymous or non-anonymous, etc.
Peer feedback scenarios can be extremely useful for particular learning objectives. The students engage with the assessment criteria, reflect on them and practice giving and receiving feedback. Assessing other students' work also leads to a more intensive reflection on their own work and therefore to higher quality work. In very large groups, peer feedback is sometimes used to reduce the time and effort required by the teaching staff to give feedback.
Peer Feedback in blogs and forums
The organisation of peer feedback scenarios is often both time-consuming and labour-intensive. This makes support from the relevant tools all the more important. Simple options for giving peer feedback are offered by blogs and forums. In the learning management system, ILIAS, peer feedback can be organised under the heading "Exercise".
Important settings options in "Exercise":
- Various different submission formats – online text, file, blog or portfolio
- Anonymous or personalised feedback
- Determination of the number of feedback comments to be given
- Definition of a catalogue of criteria in various different submission formats – written text input, file upload, checklist
- Automatic allocation of feedback recipients to feedback givers
- Overview of submissions, feedback, marks, etc. for all participants

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