Learning spaces are places for student learning – whether alone or in a group, on campus or online. Further information on available learning spaces as well as on booking options and digital study groups via Stud.IP are given (in German) on the following websites.
The focus of the learning space project is on self-determined and independent student learning, taking into account the available (new) media and spatial circumstances.
The project team understands “learning space” to encompass the interplay of three components that support a modern way of learning and working. The first and most obvious component are the rooms themselves in which student learning takes place. But the integration of digital and virtual platforms and the provision of technical equipment are also part of a modern learning space. The third component is the advice that supports learning.
Work and service
The goal of the learning space project, first of all, is to document the availability of spaces for student learning processes and to assess needs based on this. As learning spaces serve as “places of self-directed learning”, the project is oriented towards the needs of students and their disciplines, taking into account social, material, creative and educational-science related criteria. The recording and evaluation of existing learning spaces takes place in collaboration with the faculties, the students and other institutions within the University.
The learning space project can be understood as an interface between the students and the faculties and facilities of the University. Thus, the project team offers all actors in the University advice on questions of learning spaces. These can be related to both the design of work spaces, the integration of new virtual learning platforms or the establishment of measures to support counselling and successful study, for example.