ZQS Key Competencies
Credit Points / FAQ


Acquisition and Recognition of Credit Points

Die Hände zweier Personen symbolisieren eine Gesprächssituation während einer individuellen Beratung. Die Hände zweier Personen symbolisieren eine Gesprächssituation während einer individuellen Beratung. Die Hände zweier Personen symbolisieren eine Gesprächssituation während einer individuellen Beratung. © Jana Schäfer / ZQS

The rules for acquiring and having key competencies recognised vary in the degree programmes at Leibniz University Hannover. Here you will find an overview of the courses and programmes with credit points offered by ZQS/Key Competencies and information on having them recognised in your degree programme.

You will also find out what to bear in mind when registering for and participating in our seminar programme.


Where can I acquire credit points?

ZQS/Key Competencies is the central point of contact offering students many opportunities each semester to get credit points for modules in the area of key competencies. Here you will find an overview of what we offer.


Farbiger Hintergrund mit einem weißen Icon, das eine Sprechblase zeigt. Farbiger Hintergrund mit einem weißen Icon, das eine Sprechblase zeigt. Farbiger Hintergrund mit einem weißen Icon, das eine Sprechblase zeigt.

Recognition & Crediting

  • Can I have credit points recognised for my degree programme?

    The regulations differ in each degree programme. Your examination regulations must include a module enabling the entry of credit points for key competencies. If a suitable module exists, the examination board for your degree programme will decide whether credit points from ZQS/Key Competencies seminars can actually be credited.

    In a number of degree programmes, the decision has been made to allow credit transfer. You can find out whether your degree programme is included on our overview:

    If anything is unclear, please contact your degree programme coordinator.

  • How many credit points do I need?

    There is no suitable answer to this question that applies to all degree programmes. The number of credit points to be earned in the area of key competencies varies depending on the degree programme. You can find initial information about your degree programme in this overview.

    Please note the examination regulations that apply to you and, if anything is unclear, inquire directly with your degree programme (usually with the degree programme coordinators).

  • Can courses offered by other providers (at LUH and other institutions) be recognised?

    The examination for the recognition of key competencies acquired in courses offered by other providers (at LUH and other institutions) is carried out by the degree programmes according to different procedures. Each application for recognition must therefore be examined individually and approved by the examination board. If you have any questions regarding the procedure, please contact the dean of studies office.

Seminar Programme

Find suitable seminars

  • Is there a ZQS/Key Competencies course catalogue?

    The Course Catalogue provides an overview of all courses at Leibniz University Hannover. In addition, students can create their own personal timetable and register for courses and exams.

    The ZQS/Key Competencies seminars can be found under "Courses for Students of all Faculties" > "ZQS/Key Competencies" > "Seminar Programme (ECTS)" – or in German "Lehrangebote für Studierende aller Fakultäten" > "ZQS/Schlüsselkompetenzen" > "Seminarprogramm (ECTS)".

  • Where do the seminars take place?

    ZQS/Key Competencies does not have seminar rooms at its own disposal. Therefore, the seminars and workshops take place in different buildings at Leibniz University Hannover. The rooms are announced on Stud.IP under "Announcements"  a few weeks before the seminar begins. You can use the location finder  to see where the respective buildings are located.

    There are no seminar rooms in our office building at Callinstraße 14!

    Occasionally, seminars are also offered online via BigBlueButton in Stud.IP.

Conditions of Participation, Registration and Credit Points

The seminar programme runs on a semester basis (from 1 October to 31 March and from 1 April to 30 September) and is already available on our homepage approx. 5 weeks before the start of the semester. Registration is possible approx. 3 weeks before the start of the first event or at the start of the semester.

  • What are the requirements for attending seminars and workshops?

    Participation is open to all students enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at Leibniz University Hannover and who are not on leave of absence in the current semester. This includes students of Law aiming to pass the state examination.

    Doctoral students, students in continuing education and students in guest or in senior study programmes are excluded from participation. Events from the respective institutions are available for these three target groups:

    Registration via Stud.IP is required for all events. Those who attend a seminar without registration cannot be admitted.

    Please note: You can attend a maximum of one seminar per semester.

  • How do I find seminars and workshops?

    In the online course catalogue LSF, you will find seminars and workshops under "Courses for Students from all Faculties" > "ZQS/Schlüsselkompetenzen".

    To access the seminars and workshops at Stud.IP, click on "Search for Events"  and enter "ZQS/SK".

    You can find an overview – sorted by category and time – on our homepage.

  • How can I register for seminars and workshops?

    Registration is only possible via Stud.IP. Those who attend a seminar without registration cannot be admitted.

    At the end of the registration period, the automatic allocation of spots on the participation and on the waiting lists will take place. You will receive a notification from Stud.IP if you have received a spot. Please note that you can only attend one seminar per semester.

    Note: If you are unable to attend an event for urgent reasons, please deregister from the event immediately and by yourself via Stud.IP. This gives people on the waiting list the chance to attend the respective course. If you do not attend without deregistering (at least 3 days in advance), we reserve the right to block you from future participation, as this unnecessarily prevents other students from attending.

  • Can I still register for seminars after the randomized selection process?

    After the expiration of the registration period and the automatic allocation of spots, registrations for the seminars and waiting lists are only possible if there are available spots on the participation and waiting lists. These are regularly updated here:

    Please note: You can only participate in one seminar per semester.

  • What do I have to do to get credit points?

    Credit points can be acquired in ZQS/Key Competencies courses and can also be credited to certain degree programmes. The requirements for earning credit points are regular active participation, involvement in/independent completion of practical exercises and role plays, reflection on practical exercises/seminar content, presentation of work results, completion of possible tasks (including between appointments), independent study of content and materials (including between appointments). The specific requirements for this vary slightly from seminar to seminar. Further requirements may be set by the examination regulations and module description for the respective degree programme.

    With a maximum of 5 hours of absence, the necessary academic achievement for the certificate can still be provided. Seminar planning at ZQS/Key Competencies must be informed of absences by email up to 3 days before the start of the seminar:

  • How do I receive my certificate of achievement?

    Certificates of achievement will be sent to you by email about a week after the end of the on-site or online seminar, as long as there are no unresolved issues about your coursework.

Waiting List and Hardship Application

  • What happens when a seminar is full? Is there a waiting list?

    If all spots in a seminar are taken, a waiting list will be automatically created. If participants remove their names from the list of the seminar, you will automatically move up one spot.

    Please note: It is not possible to participate without having been on the waiting list.

  • Is there a possibility of preferential registration (hardship case)?

    If you were not considered for the regular allocation of seminar spots via Stud.IP (by the randomized selection process) , in exceptional cases, there is the possibility to submit a verifiable and justified application for preferential registration for the seminar.

    Reasons and proofs for preferential registration for the seminar can include:

    • the threat of an extension of studies solely due to a lack of key competencies credit points in the last semester of study (to be proven by a transcript of completed course units and examinations e.g. overview of marks from the QIS system, certificate of enrolment and, if applicable, written confirmation from the degree programme or examination office)
    • caring for one's own children (to be proven by a brief statement explaining the special need for care)
    • Disability / health impairment (proof in the form of a brief explanation and, if necessary, presentation of a severely disabled person's pass or medical certificate)
    • Other serious reasons (proof in the form of a detailed explanation)

    No reasons within the meaning of this regulation are, for example, scheduling conflicts with other courses, internships, field trips, labs, employment, doctor's appointments, family celebrations, football matches, etc.

    The preferential registration for seminars is an exceptional regulation and requires the important reasons listed above. As long as there are formally suitable, free seminar spots available for you to register, preferential registration for seminars is not possible. Only one preferential registration is possible per semester.

    Please use only this formfor your application for preferential registration for seminars.

    Please send the form and the supporting documents by email to the seminar programme team: seminare@zqs.uni-hannover.de

    Your application will then be reviewed and, if approved, a preferred seminar registration will be targeted. However, this cannot be guaranteed in all cases, even if it is justified.

General Information about Key Competencies

  • What skills do future employers expect?

    Communication and interpersonal skills, initiative, ability to work in a team, ability to be critical, social skills... The list of skills being in demand in the globalized, technologized and increasingly project-based world of work is long. To be successful under these conditions, as a university graduate, you not only need excellent subject knowledge but, above all, practical experience and the ability to act in a self-organized and creative way in a professional context and to skilfully apply your expertise.

    In addition to the (compulsory) key competencies taught during your studies, you should, therefore, take advantage of as many opportunities as possible to develop yourself and your individual knowledge and skills further. Internships, additional qualifications, further education, courses offered by various providers, work in university committees or voluntary work offer you the opportunity to do so. Be sure to think outside the box of your field of study and gain practical experience.

  • What is meant by employability?

    One of the stated aims of the Bologna Process is to promote students' employability. The aim is to impart and promote comprehensive professional skills that will help to enable employees to understand the increasing complexity of their professional environment and to actively shape it through purposeful, self-confident, reflective and responsible action. The concept of professional skills is based on a holistic view of human activity (work/learning activity) within a social context.

  • Why are key competencies important and a part of the programme?

    To be successful in your studies, in your career or in a social context, you need skills and experience that go beyond pure subject knowledge. For example, you should be able to communicate convincingly in (multinational) teams, deal constructively with criticism and conflicts, and handle complex projects and problems confidently.

    Key competencies, which can be understood as a kind of "key" to the successful implementation of specialist knowledge, help in this regard. Developing and promoting these key competencies contributes to a successful transition between university and professional life, facilitates the practical application of specialist knowledge, and is helpful and valuable during the course of studies.

    This means: Even if you do not need credit points, participating in courses that teach and promote key competencies is useful and important for your personal development and your future professional life!

  • What are key competencies?

    The ability to perform during studies and at work is usually pragmatically divided into the interaction of professional and key competencies. In literature, there are different terms for the concept of key competencies. At Leibniz University Hannover, we distinguish between the following four areas of key competencies:

    • Methodological competence: methodical problem-solving learning of study and work techniques (e.g. learning strategies, media skills, information retrieval, planning, project and innovation management, as well as teaching, counselling and research skills)
    • Social skills: social-communicative learning of communication and cooperation forms (e.g. transfer, teamwork, conflict-solving, moderation and leadership skills, entrepreneurial behaviour, international orientation and multilingualism)
    • Self-competence: affective-ethical learning of self-responsible (social) behaviour (e.g. self-management, motivation, professional flexibility, mobility, creativity, empathy and ethical behavior)
    • Intercultural competencies