Projects with Companies

Hands-on projects with companies

Zwei Personen sprechen über Daten, die als Diagramme auf einem Laptop, Smartphone und Papier ausgegeben werden. Zwei Personen sprechen über Daten, die als Diagramme auf einem Laptop, Smartphone und Papier ausgegeben werden. Zwei Personen sprechen über Daten, die als Diagramme auf einem Laptop, Smartphone und Papier ausgegeben werden. © fauxels /

Working on a project together with a company, gaining practical experience and making contacts in the world of work: This is what "Projects with Companies" (formerly Bachelor Plus / BA+) at LUH is all about. You will work with students from various subjects on a specific project task of a company and will be supervised by a contact person from the field.

We accompany your project work with workshops, self-learning materials and personal advice. Join us and prepare  yourself for teamwork and project work in your later professional life!

Join now!

Why should you participate?

Experience in project management is enormously important in the working world. Hardly anyone works alone on a (technical) task, most people are at least partly involved in project tasks or even project management. What you need for successful project work is also part of our programme - in theory and practice:

  • Knowledge about goal definition, task and time planning

  • Resource management (time, finances, manpower)

  • Teamwork, communication and conflict resolution skills.

In addition, you can earn credit points in the area of key competencies.

How does it work?

  • You register via Stud.IP (note registration deadlines).

  • At the beginning, you choose your favourites from the company projects that are offered each semester.

  • We will divide the project groups into interdisciplinary groups, taking your preferences into account.

  • In the first two weeks, you will learn the basics of project management in workshops and self-study phases.

  • You will work on the company project in the group for about 10 weeks and present the results at a final event.

Who can participate?

This programme is aimed at all students of engineering, natural sciences and economics.

Participation is possible at the beginning of each semester via Stud.IP. Please note the registration deadlines in March and September.

The programme is held in German. German language skills of at least level B2 are required.


  • Contents and schedule

    Kick-off and theoretical basics

    Duration: 2 weeks

    What does a work breakdown structure look like, what is a milestone? How do I communicate properly in a team and with companies, also virtually, and how do I keep an eye on the schedule and budget? In the first programme phase at the beginning of the lecture period (November or May), you will acquire important basic knowledge about project management and teamwork. To this end, a one-day kick-off workshop is offered first, after which the basics can be worked on independently in online self-study materials.

    Project work with the company

    Duration: 8 weeks

    In the subsequent second phase of the programme, you will have the opportunity to apply your acquired knowledge in a concrete practical project in cooperation with a company. You will work on the project in interdisciplinary teams for about eight weeks during the semester. In the spirit of "Challenge-Based Learning", the focus is not on your knowledge from your subject / degree programme, but on creatively solving a current and relevant task and problem using different, interdisciplinary methods. Thematically, the projects usually have strong links to the fields of digitalisation and sustainability.

    The project work takes place during your studies and you should expect an additional time commitment of approx. 7-10 hours per week.


    Duration: 2 weeks

    In the two-week final phase, the project is documented, reflected upon and presented in the form of a final workshop.

    Total duration: 12 weeks during the lecture period (offered every winter and summer semester).


  • Certificate and credit points

    Depending on the degree programme, up to 4 credit points can be earned in the area of key competencies / Studium Generale. Plan about 7-10 hours per week for the programme.

    You can find out whether you can earn credit points in your degree programme in our overview (without guarantee):

    The overall participation will be recognised with a certificate, which can bring you advantages when starting your career and applying for jobs.

Register and participate in the summer semester

Registration is only possible via Stud.IP from 6 to 20 March 2025. If there are any remaining places, it is also possible to register after 20 March. Please note that the workshops can only be attended as part of participation in Projects with Companies. By registering, you automatically take part in the entire programme including the project work.

More information and registration for "Projects with Companies" in the summer semester via Stud.IP
You are interested? Get in touch with us!

Projects & Companies

Projects and companies in the summer semester

An overview of the projects and participating companies in the summer semester 2025 will be available here shortly. An overview of completed projects can be found at the following link.


summer semester 2025

Kick-off Workshop (10am–4pm)

Thu, 24 April 2025

Project Presentation and Team Building

Interim Workshop (10am–4pm)

Thu, 22 May 2025

Status Quo and Risk Management

Kick-Out Workshop (10am–4pm)

Thu, 10 July 2025

Reflection and Presentation

Consultation & Contact

Dipl.-Psych./M.A. Julia Männel
Callinstraße 14
30167 Hannover
Dipl.-Psych./M.A. Julia Männel
Callinstraße 14
30167 Hannover