Completed Projects

Projects for Future

Eine Person arbeitet mit mehreren Klebebildern an einer Projektaufgabe. Eine Person arbeitet mit mehreren Klebebildern an einer Projektaufgabe. Eine Person arbeitet mit mehreren Klebebildern an einer Projektaufgabe. © Brands&People /

Ideas for more sustainability: This page provides an overview of the projects that have been successfully completed as part of Projects for Future. The linked materials show what is possible and provide inspiration to take action yourself. Many thanks to all participants for their commitment to making the world around us a little better!

Summer semester 2024

Project: Raised bed initiative "Let's grow together!"

  • About the project

    Inspired by urban gardening, three students of different specialisations built a raised bed on the campus grounds in the summer semester 2024 for use and maintenance by students and passers-by. The raised bed is made exclusively from recycled and second-hand materials collected from the recycling centre, classified ads and free leftover materials from DIY stores. Watering, weeding and harvesting together on the bed on the corner of Appelstraße/Schneiderberg is expressly encouraged! Let's grow together!

    SDG reference: Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), Life on land (SDG 15)

  • Materials for download

    You can find the materials that were created independently by the project group as part of the project work on the German version of this website.

Project: Smart irrigation valves "Sma(rt) Va(lve)"

  • About the project

    Two Mechatronics and two Civil Engineering students worked together to develop a smart valve for watering plants and flower beds that can be controlled from a mobile phone. The original idea of using it to water the Welfengarten has not yet been realised, but the fully functional valve and pump have been successfully tested on the raised bed of the "Let's grow together!" initiative (see above).

    SDG reference: Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), Life on land (SDG 15)

  • Materials for download

    You can find the materials that were created independently by the project group as part of the project work on the German version of this website.

Project: "Kids for future" learning unit

  • About the project

    Four Civil Engineering students familiarised children in a sixth grade class at Herschel School with sustainable consumption by developing their own teaching unit with quizzes, group work and input and organising a swap market where the children could swap toys and materials they no longer need at school.

    SDG reference: Quality education (SDG 4), Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12)

  • Materials for download

    You can find the materials that were created independently by the project group as part of the project work on the German version of this website.

Project: "GreenScan" business display

  • About the project

    To replace menus, price lists and information materials made of plastic or paper, four students developed displays made of recyclable material for small businesses that contain NFC chips and are therefore flexibly customisable. They created a website to which the information in the NFC chips refers and researched and sourced recyclable materials to produce the displays. A prototype was successfully used in a tailor's shop.

    SDG reference: Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), Climate action (SDG 13)

  • Materials for download

    You can find the materials that were created independently by the project group as part of the project work on the German version of this website.

Winter semester 2023/24

Project: "EcoMinds Learning Lab" learning unit

  • About the project

    Four Civil and Environmental Engineering students and an American Studies student developed a learning unit on the topic of "Clean Drinking Water", which they carried out in the form of two teaching units at a regional integrated comprehensive school with 6th class pupils. The aim was to familiarise children at an early age with the concept of sustainability and to highlight problems and crises in connection with water. They developed a didactic concept that included mediation, group work and experiments. It was particularly important to the students to develop an understanding among the pupils of how everyone can contribute to a sustainable world. For example, they built a water filter with the children using everyday materials (a plastic container and various layers of gravel and stones). Another goal was to anchor the topic of sustainability in schools. The teaching concept developed was made available to trainee teachers and teaching staff for reuse.

    SDG reference: Quality education (SDG 4), Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)

  • Materials for download

    You can find the materials that were created independently by the project group as part of the project work on the German version of this website.

Project: "Hannover in Action" event

  • About the project

    Making local sustainable initiatives visible: Small regional projects and initiatives that are committed to sustainable development often have little visibility and are always in need of growth. Two Biology students and a Social Sciences student wanted to create more visibility for these groups and their commitment and offer them a stage to present their concerns and gain new members. Under the motto "change and connect", they organised an evening in a local cultural centre, where six initiatives presented themselves, followed by a "market of opportunities" with information stands. These included "Ökostadt e.V.", "Leinemasch Bleibt", "Wir fahren zusammen", "Bumke selber machen", "am Bremer Damm" and "Nordstadt solidarisch" as well as the "Scientists for Future" initiative for the moors.  Numerous people from Hanover came and found out about the opportunities to get involved in sustainability in the region in a relaxed atmosphere and with plenty of room to ask questions.

    SDG reference: Reduced inequalities (SDG 10), Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), Climate action (SDG 13), Partnerships for the goals (SDG 17)

  • Materials for download

    You can find the materials that were created independently by the project group as part of the project work on the German version of this website.

Summer semester 2023

Project: "Clothes swap party" event

  • About the project

    The "Clothes Swap Party" project involved a two-day event at the Conti-Campus of Leibniz University Hannover, where students could swap clothes either planned or spontaneously. The clothes swap party was accompanied by an extensive information campaign (posters, flyers) on fast fashion and its impact on the environment and people. The team of five students planned and organised the event in cooperation with Greenpeace, the social FairKAUF department stores and other regional cooperation partners (Bei Chéz Heinz, hanoMacke e. V. etc.). In just 8 weeks, the students organised an event that was attended by 300 students and at which over 500 items of clothing were exchanged.

    SDG reference: Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), Climate action (SDG 13), Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8)

  • Materials for download

    You can find the materials that were created independently by the project group as part of the project work on the German version of this website.

Project: Insect hotel "BeeWandelbar"

  • About the project

    The team of eight students came up with the idea of developing a sustainable and inexpensive guide for an insect hotel made from recyclable household materials. This should also give low-income population groups (students, children, pensioners) the opportunity to build one for their own balcony or similar. The group worked intensively on 4 native insect species and their nesting conditions, with suitable materials that are available in the household and developed a detailed information library and building instructions for an insect hotel, which they are making available to download free of charge.

    SDG reference: Quality education (SDG 4), Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), Climate action (SDG 13), Life on land (SDG 15)

  • Materials for download

    You can find the materials that were created independently by the project group as part of the project work on the German version of this website.

Project: Marketing campaign "Sustainable roofing materials"

  • About the project

    Two students of Economics and Management, who had previous experience in roof construction, focussed on the question of how knowledge about sustainable roofing materials could be communicated more effectively to manufacturing companies. Bitumen, which is often used for roof construction, contains petroleum, as this makes the roofs resistant to weather influences due to its difficult degradability.  More sustainable roofing materials already exist, but are not yet widely used due to many factors. The students launched a marketing campaign to inform large companies about more sustainable roofing materials.

    SDG reference: Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11).  Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), Climate action (SDG 13)

  • Materials for download

    You can find the materials that were created independently by the project group as part of the project work on the German version of this website.


Dipl.-Psych./M.A. Julia Männel
Callinstraße 14
30167 Hannover
Dipl.-Psych./M.A. Julia Männel
Callinstraße 14
30167 Hannover

In cooperation with LUH's Green Office