Projects for Future

Your project ideas for a better world

Eine Person hält ein großes grünes Blatt einer Pflanze in die Kamera. Eine Person hält ein großes grünes Blatt einer Pflanze in die Kamera. Eine Person hält ein großes grünes Blatt einer Pflanze in die Kamera. © Mert Guller /

Making the world around us a better place, realising your own projects and meeting new people: that's what "Projects for Future" at LUH is all about. Here you can realise a social, ecological, technical or economic project for more sustainability together with other students.

We support you with specific tips on implementation – from brainstorming to project management and realisation. Join in and make a difference!

Video: What's it all about? (in German)


Podcast: Insights into the project work (in German)


Projects for Future is offered by ZQS/Key Competencies in cooperation with LUH's Green Office.

Join in now

Why should you take part?

  • Valuable practical experience in project work

  • Knowledge on the topics of project management and sustainability

  • Credit points in the area of key competencies

  • Certificate of special commitment

  • Contribution to making the campus, city or region a better place

How does it work?

  • You get in touch with us – with or without a project idea, alone or as a group

  • We advise you on how the specific project can be developed and implemented

  • We support you with input and coaching on project management

  • If you wish, we can connect you with other students and external stakeholders so that you can realise the idea together

  • We make your commitment visible

Who can take part?

All LUH students who are interested in project work, want to acquire practical project management skills and are committed to greater sustainability.

Individuals or groups can register for the programme every semester.

  • Scope and credit points

    The project duration should be limited to the lecture period. You decide for yourself how much work you can invest during this period. Your project idea (which we can develop together) must match the amount of time you can invest.

    Depending on the amount of time you invest and your participation in certain workshops and consultations, you can earn 2 or 4 credit points. In addition, there are online materials for individual preparation and follow-up work on the topics of project management and sustainability.

Do you have any questions? Get in touch with us!
Register and participate in the winter semester

Registration is only possible via Stud.IP from 18 September to 3 October 2024. If there are any remaining places, it is also possible to register after 3 October. Please note that the workshops can only be attended as part of participation in Projects for Future. By registering, you automatically take part in the entire programme including the project work.

Click here to go to the Stud.IP event and register for "Projects for Future" in the winter semester 2024/25.

Support for your project

We support you in the realisation of your project – with personal tips and coaching as well as practical workshops on project management and teamwork.

Tips & Coaching

Individual tips and coaching for specific questions about your project


The workshops (Fridays, 10 am – 4 pm) can only be used for participation and to accompany the project work. We will be happy to clarify which workshops are best suited to your project and the planned scope in a personal discussion once you are on board. You can find the topics and dates here.

Kick-off workshop

Fri, 25 October 2024

Finding groups and ideas, brainstorming (10am–4pm)

Interim workshop

Fri, 29 November 2024

Team, communication, conflict training (10am–04pm)

Kick-Out workshop

Fri, 24 January 2025

Presentation, reflection and conclusion (10am–04pm)

What it can be about

Whether ecology, education, social justice, technology or economy – whether recycling or upcycling, swap meets or info formats: Many things are possible! The project ideas should be based on the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

You can find out more about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals on the website "" from Engagement Global, on behalf of the BMZ.

Further offers

Are you also interested in project work in a company? Then Projects with Companies is the right programme for you. And if you would like to expand or refresh your skills in the areas of project management and teamwork, you can take advantage of our seminars on the subject. You can find more information here:

Projects with Companies – Hands-on projects with companies, experience in project/team work, company contacts (credit points)
Seminars: Practical teaching of key skills in project management and teamwork or communication and conflict resolution (credit points)

Consulting & Contact

Do you have any questions, are unsure what a project idea could look like or need tips on how to implement it? Feel free to contact us.

Dipl.-Psych./M.A. Julia Männel
Callinstraße 14
30167 Hannover
Dipl.-Psych./M.A. Julia Männel
Callinstraße 14
30167 Hannover

In cooperation with LUH's Green Office