Graduate Survey

With the survey of graduates one to two years after the end of their studies, several research interests and goals are pursued. Diverse information is gained, for example, on the career achievements of the graduates, the period of entry into work, the competencies learnt during study and those required in the career.

With the aid of this information, patterns in entry-level work, among other things, can be identified, the correspondence between what is learnt and what is required monitored and critical evaluations of study conditions analysed. The feedback from the graduates serves to identify strengths and weaknesses in the study programmes and to recognise problem areas, all of which is then taken into account in study programme development, quality assurance and the (re-)accreditation of study programmes.

Current Survey

Academic Year 2023

Das Welfenschloss und Hauptgebäude der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Das Welfenschloss und Hauptgebäude der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Das Welfenschloss und Hauptgebäude der Leibniz Universität Hannover. © Daniel Vogl / LUH

Dear graduate,

Leibniz University Hannover wants to engage in the continuous improvement of the quality of study and teaching. In order to achieve this, we need your help: please help us by answering questions on your course of study, your entry into professional life and your current occupation.

Academic Year 2023: Participate now!

How does it work?

The survey of the 2023 graduates starts in mid-October 2024. For this, all graduates who have completed a degree in the winter semester 2022/23 or in the summer semester 2023 at Leibniz University Hannover will be invited by post/email to take part.

In this letter/email, you will find your personalized access code. You can use it to log into the survey, either by following the link in the email or going to the Graduate Survey. You can take a break from the survey at any time and continue at a later date. The survey takes place online only.

Many thanks for your assistance!

We will draw lots among all the participants to distribute one voucher for an electronic market worth € 250 and eight book vouchers worth € 20 each! The winners will be notified by email after the end of the survey period, till the end of April 2025.

Information on the survey

Since 2007, Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) has taken part in the Cooperative Project for Graduate Surveys (KOAB), which was initiated by the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER) with the support of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and which has been coordinated by the Institute for Applied Statistics (ISTAT) since 2017. As part of this scientific project, approx. 60 universities in Germany cooperate in the development and execution of graduate surveys, whereby a direct comparison between an individual university and the others is made possible.

The goal of the surveys is to contribute to quality development in study and teaching at the individual universities, as well as to contribute to university research.

Content of the survey

The KOAB graduate survey is notable for its variety of topics. Aspects addressed by the survey are the situation before study, progress of study, retrospective evaluation of study and study conditions, entry into work, progress of career, current occupation, relationship between study and career and satisfaction with the current employment situation.

The core questionnaire is identical for all universities taking part in the KOAB project and is supplemented by university- and subject-specific questions.

Evaluation of the survey

The survey of the academic year 2022 is being evaluated at present and the results prepared in order to be made available to the faculties, the university administration and the central facilities. You can find the results of previous surveys via the following link.

University-wide results of the surveys at Leibniz University Hannover.


M.A. Agnieszka Dudzinska
Callinstraße 14
30167 Hannover
M.A. Agnieszka Dudzinska
Callinstraße 14
30167 Hannover