Recording lectures

Flowcasts system

In einem gefüllten Hörsaal steht eine Videokamera auf einem Stativ. In einem gefüllten Hörsaal steht eine Videokamera auf einem Stativ. In einem gefüllten Hörsaal steht eine Videokamera auf einem Stativ. © ZQS/elsa

Flowcasts is the name of the ZQS/elsa’s lecture recording system. The system can be used to record, produce and publish entire lecture series or individual lectures. A high degree of automation guarantees the prompt availability of the resulting video podcasts.

All of the presentation media can be captured in their entirety with Flowcasts and merged live into a video (SD or HD quality). Traditional blackboard notes are captured in high quality, computer-aided presentation media can be integrated natively via a local wireless network. Sound transmission is realised using radio links, which permits very high audio quality while allowing the lecturer to remain mobile.

As an optional extra, the lecture can also be published as a live stream or transmitted to other lecture theatres as a secured stream.

Component of the recordingType of embeddingMaximum number of presentation media
Picture of the speakerCamera1
Writing on the boardCamera 1
PowerPoint presentationAd-hoc Wi-Fi or Grabberunlimited
SmartboardAd-hoc Wi-Fi or Grabber unlimited


"Presentation and lecture recording using the Flowcast system" service

The technical setup, live editing and subsequent production is carried out by a trained ZQS/elsa-employees, meaning that the lecturer is not burdened with additional work with this recording system. The video composition is performed live and adapted dynamically depending on the situation. 

If the video is being published in Stud.IP, there is also the option to create chapter markers and to restrict the downloading of the video file.

Recordings that are not affected by the rights of third parties can also be made available to a wider public, provided the lecturer wishes to do so.

On account of the high level of automation, especially in production, the realisation of recordings with the Flowcast system is very cost-effective. The modular structure of the system in recording, production and publication makes individual solutions possible.

The prices for the various Flowcast system services are listed in the table below. They will apply from the summer semester 2025.


Recording a series of lectures

Product Service Price

Recording with optional transmission of a series of lectures (13 - 15  in total)

Complete recording of a series of lectures including personnel, organisation, technical equipment, development and server capacity

€ 555 per credit hour

Employee for transmission reception An employee who provides support with the transmission of recordings to other lecture theatres € 266 per credit hour

Recording of an individual lecture

Product Service Price

Recording of an individual lecture

Complete recording of an individual lecture, including consultation, personnel, organisation and technical equipment

€ 46 per hour

Post-processing and publication of a single lecture




Post-processing and publication of a single lecture An employee trained by us edits the filmed material according to your wishes, includes server capacities for conversion and publication. € 46 per hour


Coordination media production

Dipl.-Ing. Abdülhamid Arslaner
Schloßwender Str. 7
30159 Hannover
Dipl.-Ing. Abdülhamid Arslaner
Schloßwender Str. 7
30159 Hannover