EvaExam is a web-based system which can be used to make it easier to implement electronic examinations. After logging in, teaching staff enter the questions for the examination directly into the EvaExam online portal and in doing so create the examination paper. Each student taking the examination receives a printed paper and fills it in during the examination.
If closed-ended questions are being used (single or multiple-choice questions), the teacher will not need to mark the examination papers at all. The papers can be scanned-in immediately and will be marked automatically.
Each question on the paper can also be checked for validity using a statistical process (mean value, standard deviation, Cronbachs alpha, etc.)
EvaExam is the examination variant of the software EvaSys, which has been used for evaluations at the Leibniz University for a long time. EvaExam has been in use at the Leibniz University for several years and is considered to be a tried and tested system.
- Rooms can be used that do not have any specialist equipment which means that there is no limit on the size of the group.
- Automated evaluation of multiple-choice (MC) and single-choice (SC) following scanning.
- Question catalogues.
- Use of particular types of question (including MC, SC and open-style written text questions)
Data Protection
Information required to be provided as per art. 12-14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Automated execution and evaluation of examinations using the paper and pencil process (“scan-exams” with EvaExam)
At Leibniz University Hannover, personal data of examiners and students are collected and processed for the purpose of the automated execution and evaluation of examinations using the paper and pencil process (“scan-exams”).
The legal basis for the processing of the personal data is § 17 NHG (University Law of Lower Saxony) in conjunction with the regulation for the processing of personal data.
For exams, a legally required archiving period is laid down for all documents, encompassing both the examination material produced by the students and its evaluation. This is governed by the exam regulations and Circular A No. 18/2013 (retention periods for exam documents).
The examiners are responsible for deleting the data of the exams carried out by them from their user accounts in the EvaExam system after the retention deadline has passed.
The user accounts of examiners who are no longer employed at Leibniz University are also deleted from the IT system after the retention deadline has been passed.
The Centre for Quality Enhancement in Teaching and Learning (ZQS) cannot guarantee that the information processing structure and services that it offers will be continuously available, without fault and without interruption.
The possibility of data losses caused by technical faults and the disclosure of confidential data through unauthorised access by third parties cannot be excluded.
As an operator, the Centre for Quality Enhancement in Teaching and Learning (ZQS) cannot guarantee the up-to-dateness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. No liability can be accepted for claims against the operator related to damage of a material or non-material form caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or through the use of erroneous and incomplete information, unless it can be proven that the operator’s actions were deliberate or grossly negligent.