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LUH student survey 2024 launched

LUH student survey 2024 launched

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© Daniel Vogl / LUH
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At the beginning of May, all LUH students receive an invitation to the LUH student survey by email. The survey is a central instrument of quality assurance at Leibniz University Hannover and aims to have students evaluate the study conditions and identify areas for improvement. With the help of this information, faculties, university management and other institutions gain a comprehensive understanding of the students, their study situation and any difficulties in their studies.

Every vote counts!

We ask all students to take part. The survey only takes place every 2 years and it only takes 10-15 minutes to complete. The more students take part, the more meaningful the results will be. In order to motivate as many students as possible to participate, attractive vouchers (6 vouchers of €200 each for notebooksbilliger.de and 30 book vouchers of €20 each for Lehmanns) will be raffled off.

Further information can be found at: